Data Visualization
Who should attend?

The course is suitable for the following professionals - 

  • Consultants
  • Marketing Managers
  • Operation Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Financial Managers
  • Data Analysis
  • Urban Planners
  • Transport and Traffic Engineers
  • Supply Chain Managers
  • Risk Managers
  • Plant Managers
  • Production Planners
5 Days
Programme Overview

Data Visualization training course will teach the participants ways to effectively visualize the data, using different tools and techniques. Using Excel and PowerPoint will be the basis of this training course, but the use of other software will also be discussed in depth through the training. The participants will learn how to incorporate statistics, design and aesthetics of both the data and the final visualization. The true power of visual presentation of the data will be explored through the examples from different industries, from production, through marketing to graphic design and multimedia.


At the end of the training, participants would be able to - 

  • Select the story for your visual presentation
  • Understand the power of the visualization as a medium
  • Identify the audience for your visual presentation
  • Acquire the knowledge to use Excel and PowerPoint as visual presentation tools
  • Get the insight into other software for data visualization
  • Understand the story in the data
  • Present the story you see in the data to the audience

 The participants will use the model data to prepare the visual presentation of the same. Participants will also be able to comment on the already prepared data visualizations and propose enhancements. The participants will walk through the process of data visualization, by identifying the story they want to tell and the audience the story is intended to. This will give participants the possibility to use the data models from their own industry and through the use of Excel and PowerPoint, as well as other software (Adobe Illustrator, 3D Max, etc.) create visualizations of the named data models.

Course Outline

DAY ONE - Telling a Story through Data Visualization 

  • The Necessity of Data Visualization
  • Basis of Visual Grammar
  • Creating a Context
  • Determining the Users
  • Filtering the Data
  • Common Visualization Software

Day TWO - Balance between Statistics, Design and Aesthetics 

  • Bar Charts, Line Charts and Pie Charts
  • Advanced Charts (bubble charts, waterfall charts, etc.)
  • Combining the Data from Excel with PowerPoint Presentations
  • Let the Data Speak for Itself
  • Choosing the Volume of the Data
  • Color Management
  • Complement of Words and Pictures

DAY THREE - Balance between Statistics, Design and Aesthetics 

  • Common Data Visualization Methods 
  • Maps and Charts
  • Dashboards
  • Infographics
  • Sankey Diagrams
  • Spider Charts
  • Geographic Referencing
  • Multimedia Presentations

DAY 4 - Creating the Presentation 

  • Preparing the Data for the Presentation
  • Choosing the Story
  • Visual Cues
  • Interactive Presentations
  • Order Logic
  • Adopting the Appropriate Display
  • Avoiding Data Chaos
  • Voice of the Customer
  • Data Visualization Examples

DAY 5 - Promoting and Updating the Data Visualization 

  • The Narrative Structure
  • Piñata Principle
  • Steal the Attention of the Audience
  • When and How to Update the Data Visualization
  • Use of Data Visualizations in Different Industries
  • Applying the Data Visualization at Your Workplace

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