Enterprise Selling Skills
Who should attend?
Individuals in the role of distributor channel development or who plan to take a career in channel sales.
2 Days
Programme Overview
This sales course goes far beyond the transfer of information by enhancing core competencies in both functional and interpersonal areas. The main purpose of this course is to drive significant improvement in salesforce performance by addressing the selling skills, communication practices, and ability to adapt different selling styles to meet customer's requirements and increase conversion rates. The course also focuses on empowering salespeople to progress from transaction-focused selling to true consultative selling which will transform the sales relationship into a collaboration-focused business partnership that produces dramatic, long-term and measurable sales results.
  •  Understanding the concept of Large/Key Account Management vis-à-vis other sales engagements
  •  Concept of persuasion in interacting with the customer and the criticality of using specific behaviours to achieve desired outcomes
  •  Understanding the buying process/psychology in a customer scenario and the stages leading to a decision
  •  Understanding stages in Customer buying process/cycle in a large account scenario
  •  Importance of understanding decision guidelines and managing the same for Handling Competition
  •  Importance and usage of Features, Advantages and Benefits in the Selling Cycle
  •  Understanding objections and using seeking behaviours to minimize them
  •  The criticality of suspecting and prospecting in identifying Key Accounts
  •  Concept and elements of funnel management: Toolkit – Case study
  •  Knowing to qualify Key Accounts Buying cycle and criticality of account entry and Management Strategy
  •  Mapping into the account and relevance of Information Gathering
  •  Mapping competition and managing Objections and Negotiation issues
  •  Understanding and managing Bottlenecks/Objections
  •  Campaign planning and Objective setting
The course employs a variety of exercises, case studies, concepts, related videos, and hands-on practices to enhance learning. Participants will be working in groups in order to find practical recommendations and solutions to different selling scenarios and find the most suitable and applicable practices for their individual cases. 
Course Outline

Module 1 - Introduction

  • Course objectives and defining professional selling
  • Evolution of professional selling and Value Quadrant 

Module 2 - Relationship Selling

  • The New ROI and selling at the right level
  • Building trust through active listening to create understanding
  • Communication variables (personality, etc.) and building rapport
  • Ten behaviours for positive influence
  • Ten laws of relationship selling

Module 3 - Value Creation

  • Understanding and creating genuine business value
  • The client’s value definition and assessment criteria
  • Identifying, evidencing and leading to your unique value (workshop)
  • Questions that create progression and shape requirements (workshop)
  • Creating your executive value insight message that hooks interest (workshop)

Module 4 - Strategic Selling

  • Introduction to strategic selling
  • Mapping the power base and buying centre
  • Personal agendas versus corporate drivers
  • Profiling individual decision-makers
  • Competitive engagement strategies and case studies
  • Ten laws of strategic selling

Module 5 - Process Alignment

  • Creating buyer and seller alignment
  • Opportunity qualification tool tailored for your market (workshop)
  • Process and timing alignment through close plans (workshop)
  • Opportunity management
  • Personal leadership and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

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