Smart Cities
Who should attend?

This course is intended for anyone with an interest in the application of new technologies to city challenges and smart city solutions. It does not require any prior experience of studying the subject.

Programme Overview

Learn about Smart Cities within the context of management of urban infrastructures. The introduction of Smart urban technologies into legacy infrastructures has resulted in numerous challenges and opportunities for contemporary cities and will continue to do so. This course will help you to understand how to make the best of these smart technologies in your cities’ legacy infrastructures.  

Over the past few years, advances in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have significantly challenged the traditionally stable land scape of urban infrastructure service provision. This has resulted in increasing interest from both technology vendors and public authorities in the transition of cities towards so-called “Smart Cities”. Although such “Smart technologies” can provide immense opportunities for citizens and service providers alike, the ICTs often act as disruptive innovators of urban infrastructure service provision.

The attendees will gain a thorough understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with the Smart urban infrastructures, namely Smart urban transportation and Smart urban energy systems. 

  • Gain a deep understanding of the nature of disruptive innovations (smart technologies) in urban infrastructure systems;
  • Learn about state-of-the-art strategies for effectively managing the transition from legacy infrastructures to smart urban systems;
  • Study the management of the transition phase from legacy infrastructure systems to smart cities by supporting innovations while avoiding early lock-in; and
  • Understand potential applications of the materials learned in this course within the context of the management of smart urban transportation systems as well as smart urban energy systems.
  • Explore and understand the concepts and current debates around smart, sustainable and future cities
  • Identify and recognise the role and importance that ICT, data and urban analytics can play in addressing key urban challenges and key issues related to this
  • Explain and be aware of the importance of leadership and governance in creating smart cities and the role of different stakeholders including government, local authorities, business, universities and communities
  • Explore different approaches to involving citizens in smart cities and planning for future cities
  • Apply and consider the connections between urban innovation, enterprise and future smart city business models
Course Outline

Module 1 – Introduction to Smart Urban Infrastructures and Smart Cities

  • The course starts by examining what smart cities are, exploring the contrasting visions of how they will transform our urban environments and lives, and considers whether smart cities can be sustainable.

Module 2 – Principles of Management/Governance of Smart Urban Systems – Part 1: Transition Phase

  • Looks at the role of people in smart cities and different approaches cities are taking from city led roadmaps to business smart technology services, to solutions co-designed with citizens through living labs.

Module 3 – Principles of Management/Governance of Smart Urban Systems – Part 2: Operation Phase

  • Examines the role that technology, data and urban analytics can play in transforming cities and considers challenges such as data ownership, privacy and ethics.

Module 4 – Management of Smart Transportation Systems

  • Explores the connections between urban innovation, enterprise and future smart city business models, looking at who will finance the smart city

Module 5 – Management of Governance

  • Considers the importance of city leadership and governance in developing smart cities, exploring the role of different stakeholders, as well as policy and standards.

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