Leadership Excellence in Supervisory Skills & Team Building
Who should attend?
  • All Leaders and Professionals
  • Management Professionals
  • Team Leaders
  • Supervisors
  • Technical Staff
5 Days
Programme Overview

This training seminar focuses on the leader’s role in developing and motivating excellent teams. Rather than trying to define one ‘right’ way to lead, it will introduce a range of complementary approaches which delegates will have the opportunity to practise, combine and adapt to suit their personal preferences and organisational needs. The coverage allows delegates to experiment with innovative ways to empower and enthuse their team and influence positively their organisational climate and culture. The benefits to the organisation will be leaders better able to focus on organisational goals and better equipped to develop their team towards sustainable performance improvement.


At the end of the course - participants would be able to -

  • Study effective team operations
  • Analyze effective communications strategies
  • Understand how to give and receive effective feedback
  • Consider tools for motivating and delegating
  • Explore leadership styles
  • Examine the construction of a learning environment

The methodology for this course consists of ten modules containing lecture content, skill assessments, participative discussions, video presentations and delegate exercises in order to create high impact training. The course is designed to be dynamic and highly interactive as well as educational. The primary focus is to provide delegates with concepts and methods which they can put to immediate use in the workplace.

Course Outline


Starting From Within – You, The Team Leader

Know Yourself as a Team Leader - your strengths and style preferences

Examine and Challenge Your Personal Belief System

Set Personal Goals To Guide Your Outputs

Manage Your Time and Activities

Embrace the Power of Role Modelling


Establishing Team Environment, Membership and Roles

Learn From What High Performing Teams Do

Conduct a Team Purpose Analysis        

Map Your Stakeholders

Build an Energetic Team Environment

Identify Critical Team Roles

Identify Effective Team Behaviours

Learn How Teams Develop


Building Outstanding Team Productivity, Progress and Learning

Deploy Motivation Theories in Team Management

Get Things Done – How to Influence Stakeholders

Influence and Motivate Different Social Style Preferences

Help The Team Cope with Change and Develop Resilience

Incorporate Systems Thinking for Continuous Team Improvement

Use Team After Action Reviews for Continuous Improvement

Celebrate Great Team Performance


Building Frictionless Team Communications

Understand How Communication Works – and Doesn’t Work

Identify and Overcome Barriers to Communication

Fine-Tune Your Communications - The Process of Listening

Fine-Tune Your Communications - Asking Questions

Develop Positive Learning in Teams - Appreciative Inquiry

Give Feedback that Improves Performance    

Manage Meetings Efficiently and Effectively


Dealing with Team Conflicts and Using Them to Improve Team Performance

Identify and Avoid Ineffective Team Dynamics

Understand and Deal with Dysfunctional Behaviour

How to Manage Conflict – Ground Rules for Effective Conflict Resolution

Creativity for Team Problem Solving and Learning

Overcome Blocks to Creativity

Adopt a Process for Creativity and Decision-Making

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