Major Emergency Management & Initial Response (MEMIR)
Who should attend?

The Major Emergency Management Initial Response (MEMIR) training course is directed towards individuals who are either designated as overseeing, are members of, or provide support to an emergency management team in an emergency. This course is not limited to but suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

• Health, Safety & Security Environment (HSSE) Professionals

• Fire, Safety & Security Professionals

• Designated members of Emergency Response and Crisis Management Teams

• Operations Personnel

5 Days
Programme Overview

This very popular training course has now been updated and revised. Now more than ever it provides knowledge and understanding of the key factors of preparing for, responding to, and maintaining control throughout the development or escalation of a Major Emergency. The delegates will learn how to swiftly manage a large amount of emergency-related information, how to activate proven contingency plans from the initial alarm to stand-down and the all-important recovery phase begins. This training course provides the delegate with answers and checklists so that when facing a Major Emergency, you may still maintain your service, keep your all your stakeholders and your emergency response team fully informed, updated and so protecting your good reputation and image. This training course will feature:

• How to rapidly implement your ‘validated’ Emergency Response Plans

• Comprehensive checklists that make crucial decision-making processes easier

• How to deliver accurate information, at the right time, with the right message

• How to turn the Emergency to your advantage

• Guidelines on how you and your team will always be prepared for the next event


The objective of Major Emergency Training is to provide personnel with knowledge, experience, and techniques in Major Emergency Management so that Emergency Command Teams can react effectively to maintain protection to all personnel, environment, and assets. By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Maintain command, control and provide strategic leadership

• Exercise Team Management skills during high-stress situations

• Delegate duties to your emergency response team and personnel

• Rapidly process, evaluate and disseminate information from all sources

• Utilise improved communication skills when dealing with stakeholders

This dynamic training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension, and retention of the information presented. This includes the use of self-assessments, case studies, exercises, and awareness tools along with role-playing and group activities enhancing leadership capability when planning for and responding to a Major Emergency.
Course Outline

Day One: Developing Major Emergency Response techniques for the 24/7 world

Consider the full range of potential emergencies facing your industry

Understand all the elements which are commonly encountered in a Major Emergency

Who is the Emergency Response Manager and what should be involved in the Emergency Response program?

Develop the execution of decision-making processes between all your stakeholders

Apply co-ordinated planning, training, exercising and team development

The Auditing Process - Self-Evaluation questions and Syndicate questions

Day Two: Implementing co-ordinated Command and Control techniques

Managing the Emergency Response, Incident Command Systems (ICS)

Emergency Communications Centre, facilities and Information Management

On-scene management, consider the leadership and communication issues

Exercise: A rapidly escalating incident, what should you consider?

Business Continuity Management (BCM) Identifying essential core functions

Loss of essential services, what are your recovery priorities?

Day Three: Communications, Protecting & Enhancing the Company’s Reputation

Understanding the implications and impact of Social Media

The Toolkit – best practice examples in protecting your Reputation

Media Management Guidelines and the Communications Checklist

Workshop - what should be in your Communications (Media) Plan?

The rapidly developing situation leading to information overload

Workshop - organizing and running a live Press Conference

Day Four: Human & Environmental aspects of a Major Emergency Response

How to manage stress in yourself and your team

Alerting and Warning all stakeholders

Actions: Missing or injured personnel and/or multiple casualties

Loss of key personnel, loss of muster or refuge points

Evacuation (or containment)

Environmental concerns, loss of containment and effects

Case Study followed by role-playing exercise: Handling a Major Emergency

Day Five: Exercises: Plans that have not been validated are just paper

Case Studies, when it all goes wrong, what lessons can we learn?

Exercise Design for Emergency Response Teams

Types of exercise, benefits, advantages and each potential disadvantages

The Essential 17 Point de-brief Agenda

Final Report, implementing the key recommendations, closing the loop

Develop an action plan of learning from incidents, drills, and exercises

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