Quality systems and Process management
Who should attend?
Individuals involved in improvement projects, processes identification, work design, productivity improvement or quality auditing initiatives.
Programme Overview
The objective of an organization is to provide service and products, which satisfy the customer and create value for them. A product and service designed are based on the customer feedback and requirement of the market. Service Operations design is where the Service is broken down into parts, which further can be helpful in the actual delivery process and improved upon analysis.
This course is concerned with improving processes and designing facilities for service businesses such as banks, health care organizations, telephone call centers, restaurants, and transportation providers. Major topics in the course include the design of service processes, layout, and location of service facilities, demand forecasting, demand management, employee scheduling, service quality management, and capacity planning
This course leverages a variety of learning tools including individual exercises, group discussions, case studies and videos
Course Outline

Module 1 - Process definitions and elements

Process definition

Process approach to improvement

Advantages of process mapping

Elements of a process

Benefits of process maps

Attributes of a process map:

o Identifying the customer

o What is critical to their satisfaction

o Obtaining process performance data

o How well do our processes satisfy their needs

o The business value chain

o Dining process efficiency and effectiveness

o Stakeholders analysis

Module 2 - Process analysis and improvement

Customer-oriented processes

Support oriented processes

Management processes

Diagnosis of a process

Analyzing and improving a process

The turtle diagram

Using process maps to identify root causes

Twelve cornerstone tools to process streamlining

Problem-solving techniques

Process auditing as a tool for continuous improvement

Process mapping in six sigma projects

Module 3 - Understanding the process approach as per international quality standards

Understanding the process approach

Process characteristics

The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) approach

Opportunities in terms of reducing cycle time and defects

Non-value added explained

Module 4 - Process measurement and benchmarking

The need to measure

Process Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Benchmarking and the balanced scorecard

Module 5 - Understanding the process approach as per international quality standards

Understanding the process approach

Process characteristics

The Plan, Do Check, Act (PDCA) approach

Opportunities in terms of reducing cycle time and defects

Non-value added explained

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